Farmhouse Inn Irori

Farmhouse Inn Irori Book your trip
Currently the guesthouse is closed. Rooms,kitchen ,bathroom etc are available.
(Rent the whole house (hanare annex)
Relaxing inn with irori hearth where you can enjoy rural scenery

Our farmhouse inn has an Omoya main house and a Hanare annex. The Hanare annex has a farmhouse teahouse where you can have lunch.
As the name says, there is an irori hearth in the center of the room.
Enjoy time with your friends and family around the hearth while viewing the rich nature that spreads outside the window.

Farmhouse Inn / Farmhouse Teahouse Irori

Enjoy chance meetings at the Omoya main house, or spend quiet time in the Hanare annex.
Both buildings have irori hearths. (Photo shows the Hanare annex.)